第239章239(1 / 2)

“In the past, I had no dreams, no thoughts, and didn't know what I wanted to do Recently, I have found my dream.” (以前的我没有梦,没有想,不清楚自己要做什麽?最近我找到了自己的梦想。)

“I want to be a painter, pick up the paintbrush in my hand and paint this world. My dream originated from a painting, which was M's . The unparalleled colors hit my heart in an instant, and I was attracted. I knew I could never escape from this magnificent world. (我想成为一个画家,拿起手中的画笔画出这个世界。梦想最开始始源于一幅画,那是莫奈的《圣·西缅农场寒之路》,那无与伦比的色彩在一瞬间击中我的心,我被吸引住,我知道我永远也逃脱不这瑰丽的世界中。)

“I want to create, I want to paint my inner thoughts and feelings about the world. I am uncontrollable and beyond redemption. ”(我想创作,我想画出内心关于世界的想法和感受,我被不可遏制地控制了,无药可救。)

“I want to create, painting mountains, rivers, and every time I take out my paintbrush, it feels like I am in an infinite world of possibilities. ”(我想创作,画出山川河流,每次拿出画笔,仿佛置身于一个无限可能的世界。)

“I want to create, when I am unhappy, negative emotions are released through my brushstrokes, bing a release of the soul. ”(我想创作,不开心的时候,笔触间,负面情绪被宣洩出去,成为心灵的释放。)

“Isn't the purpose of life to find one's own talent And fully utilize one's talents and contribute them to the world. ”(人生的目的不就是找到自己的天赋吗?并且让自己的天赋充分发挥,将其为这个美好的世界贡献出去,尽一份自己的绵薄之力。)

“I was fortunate enough to discover my dream, but I was trapped by inner cowardice, like being trapped by an invisible iron lock. ”(我很幸运地发现自己的梦想,却被内心的胆怯困住,像是被一张无形的铁锁困住。)

“I stopped, I timidly stopped at the front, and now at this moment, I understand that I was wrong. On the journey of pursuing my dreams, I should muster up the courage. ”(我停住了,我懦弱地止步于前,现在此时此刻,我明白我错了。追求梦想的途中,我应当鼓足勇气。)

“Courage is a word full of motivation, and I really like it. It takes you up from the mud, in a sense, courage is elegance under pressure. ”(勇气是一个充满动力的词语,我很喜欢,它带着你从泥沼中向上攀升,某种意义上,勇气是压力下的优雅。)

“We don't lack dreams, but we lack the ultimate courage to pursue them. I don't think I will back down anymore. I will be like a fighter, firmly defending my dreams. ”(我们不缺少梦想,却缺少追求梦想的那极致的勇气,我想我不会再退缩了,我要如同斗士一般,坚定地捍卫我的梦想。)

“My friend once told me to wait for me. At that time, due to my timidity, I did not reply to her. ”(我的一个朋友曾对我说要等着我。那时候的我由于胆怯,没有给她回複。)

“Now, at the end of this speech, standing on stage, I solemnly say to you in the audience, my answer: I'm here, sorry for keeping you waiting. ”(现在,在这次演讲的最后,站在台上的我郑重地对台下的你,我的答案:我来了,抱歉让你久等了。)

“No one is born stubborn, but for the sake of their dreams, they never give up! I hope everyone can bravely pursue their dreams. ”(没有谁天生倔强,但是为了梦想,寸步不让!希望大家都能勇敢追梦。)

“Thank you all. My speech is over. ”(谢谢大家。我的演讲完毕。) 当她的演讲的最后一个词语结束后,麦克风的声音骤然间消失,全场静悄悄的,静极了。
